The Age of Sail is in its Twilight years.

The wind-taming magnificient vessels that once ruled the oceans are soon to be a relic of bygone days as the seas are taken over by new steam-powered ships.

You commandeer a trading ship in the Carribean struggling to keep up with the new rivals in the horizon. Master the winds to outspeed and outmanouver your foes - or get stuck tacking against a headwind while your coal burning rivals snatch the best trade opportunities!

Are you determined to stay relevant in the changing landscape or do you accept you are just delaying the inevitable?

The game is made in Unity by Ville Talonpoika and Leo Jämsä. Models were created in Blender and music in LMMS. Soundtrack is partly our own creation and partly Finnish folk seafaring music.


*Gamepad recommended*

  • Use left and right to turn your sails
  • Use A and D to turn the rudder
  • Press down to drop anchor
  • Press Control for birds eye view

You gain doubloons by transporting trade goods. Each harbor produces one good and wants another. The wanted good is the upper one. Your ship can carry one unit of given type. Doubloons are depleted over time and the game ends when they run out. New enemies will spawn every 10 years. The final score is the year until which you stay in business!


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Charming game! Make sure to add your Ludum Dare link to this page!